“In a sophisticated October 2005 poll of 3,900 respondents in six Arab countries, only 6 percent registered support for al-Qaeda’s aim of a renewed caliphate over all Muslim lands; 39 percent, however, said they sympathized with al-Qaeda’s desire to ‘confront the United States.’ More than 70 percent endorsed the view that American objectives in the […]
"According to an October 2005 report by the Congressional Research Service, the total cost of the Iraq war to American taxpayers had reached $251 billion. The report calculated a total expenditure of $82 billion for operations in Afghanistan and $24 billion for enhancements in base security attributable to the wars in those countries for a […]
In Iraq, “By the time the constitution was adopted on October 15 [2005], insurgent attacks were averaging one hundred per day–despite a reported doubling of Iraqi security forces over the course of the year.” – Larry Diamond, Squandered Victory, Pages 338-339 […]
“On October 15, 2005, Iraqi voters once again went to the polls in a national referendum on a proposed constitution. …the Iraqis ratified it, with a voter turnout of more than 60 percent.” – Stephen F. Hayes, Cheney, Page 477 […]
“The endorsement of the new Iraqi constitution by referendum in October 2005 finally killed the prospect of full-scale oil privatization. Article 109 of that document stated clearly that hydrocarbons were ‘national Iraqi property.’ That is, oil and gas would remain in the public sector.” [The 15th of the month used for date sorting purposes only.] […]
In an article in The International Herald Tribune on October 13, 2005, “former national security adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski observes, ‘America’s ability to cope with nuclear nonproliferation has…suffered [as a result of the invasion of Iraq]. The contrast between the attack on the militarily weak Iraq and America’s forbearance of the nuclear-armed North Korea has strengthened […]
In an October 11, 2005, email to journalist Peter Bergen, former U.S. Ambassador to Sudan Timothy Carney stated: ” ‘At no time did Sudanese, Ali Osman Taha [the Foreign Minister of Sudan] or anyone else, ever say to me that they could give the U.S. Osama bin Laden.’ ” – Peter Bergen, The Osama bin […]
“A White House list of 10 terrorist plots disrupted by the United States has confused counterterrorism experts and officials, who say they cannot distinguish between the importance of some incidents on the list and others that were left off. Intelligence officials who spoke on the condition of anonymity said the White House overstated the gravity […]
In President Bush’s speech at the National Endowment of Democracy on October 6, 2005, he claimed that “Western security services had thwarted 10 planned attacks by al-Qa’ida since 11 September 2001, three of them against mainland US.” – Robert Cornwell, “God Told Me to Invade Iraq,” The Independent, Oct. 7, 2005 […]
In a speech on October 6, 2005, President Bush said: ” ‘Overall, the United States and our partners have disrupted at least ten serious al Qaeda terrorist plots since September the 11th, including three al Qaeda plots to attack inside the United States. We’ve stopped at least five more al Qaeda efforts to case targets […]