” ‘I served in the Congress for ten years,’ [Vice President Dick] Cheney said in an interview [on NewsHour with Jim Lehrer on February 7, 2006] shortly after the NSA’s [National Security Administration’s] [warrantless wiretapping] program was exposed. ‘I do believe that especially in the day and age we live in, the nature of the […]
“A [February 5, 2006] Washington Post article, citing ‘two knowledgeable sources,’ claimed that the number of Americans monitored by NSA [National Security Agency] was as high as five thousand people between 2001 and early 2006.” – Matthew M. Aid, The Secret Sentry, Page 290 […]
According to information in a Washington Post article on February 5, 2006: “of the approximately five thousand NSA [National Security Agency] warrantless taps conducted between September 2001 and December 2005, fewer than ten Americans a year drew enough suspicion to move to the next level. That involved obtaining a FISA [Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act] order […]
Addressing the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence on February 2, 2006, Director of National Intelligence John Negroponte said: ” ‘Attacking the US Homeland, US interests overseas, and US allies–in that order–are al-Qa’ida’s top operational priorities. The group will attempt high-impact attacks for as long as its central command structure is functioning and affiliated groups are […]
Addressing the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence on February 2, 2006, Director of National Intelligence John Negroponte said: ” ‘Let me begin…with a straightforward statement of preoccupation shared by all of us sitting here before you: terrorism is the preeminent threat to our citizens, Homeland, interests, and friends. The War on Terror is our first […]
“The American Bar Association and a host of prominent American constitutional scholars from all political denominations have argued that there is no court decision or legal precedent that supports President Bush’s contention that his constitutional authority allows him to override or disregard an act of Congress or the Constitution. This argument was laid out in […]
In his State of the Union address on January 31, 2006, President Bush said: ” ‘Keeping America competitive requires affordable energy. And here we have a serious problem: America is addicted to oil, which is often imported from unstable parts of the world.’ ” – George W. Bush, State of the Union Address, The Washington […]
On “January [31] 2006, KBR [Kellogg Brown & Root], the engineering and construction subsidiary of Halliburton, announced it had been awarded a contract from the Department of Homeland Security for $385 million, to provide ‘temporary detention and processing capabilities.’ ” – Peter Dale Scott, The Road to 9/11, Page 240 […]
“A New York Times/CBS poll in January [27] 2006 showed that ‘respondents overwhelmingly supported [70%] email and telephone monitoring directed at *Americans that the government is suspicious of;* they overwhelmingly opposed [68%] the same kind of surveillance if it was aimed at *ordinary Americans.* ‘ ” – Susan Herman, Taking Liberties, Page 197 […]
President Bush on the reports by the Humans Rights Watch and Amnesty International criticizing the US on their handling of terrorist suspects, “I haven’t seen the report, but if they’re saying we tortured people, they’re wrong. Period… No American will be allowed to torture another human being anywhere in the world. “ – Transcript, “President […]