
A USA Today article on May 11, 2006, mentioned that the National Security Agency (NSA) was secretly collecting phone call records of American citizens. ” ‘It’s the largest database ever assembled in the world,’ said one person about the NSA’s phone-record program, adding that it was the agency’s goal ‘to create a database of every […]

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“On May 10, 2006, USA Today revealed a further assault on the U.S. judicial system–the existence of a secret program conducted by the National Security Agency of the Department of Defense to monitor and catalog phone calls made from the four largest telephone carriers in the United States. The discovery of this program and an […]

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As stated in “The Report of the Iraq Inquiry – Executive Summary:” “757. After visiting Iraq in early May, [UK] Air Chief Marshal Sir Jock Stirrup, Chief of the Defense Staff, advised Dr Reid that there should be no change to the operational approach and that there were ‘compelling reasons’ why the UK should ‘press on’ […]

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“Early on, the [Bush] administration labeled the Guantanamo detainees ‘the worst of the worst.’ Yet we now know that more than 250 have been released, that they included boys as young as 13 and that of those who remain, only 8 percent are even accused of being fighters for al-Qaeda. The majority are not accused […]

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“In the early days after Sept. 11, Attorney General John Ashcroft sought to reassure us with repeated announcements of the detention of large numbers of ‘terror suspects’–ultimately the government admitted to detaining 5,000 foreign nationals in the first two years after Sept. 11. Yet to this day not one of them stands convicted of a […]

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At Guantanamo, “Army logs report that interrogators threatened [suspected 20th hijacker Mohamed al-] Qahtani with dogs, made him strip naked and wear women’s underwear, put him on a leash and made him bark like a dog, injected him with intravenous fluids and barred him from the bathroom so that he urinated on himself.”  – David […]

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Citing the failures of the FBI to stop the events of 9/11, FBI Special Agent in the bin Laden squad Jack Cloonan said, in an interview with author Peter Lance on May 4, 2006: ” ‘If you want to do something serious about counterterrorism,’ he said, ‘if you have any influence on Congress, tell them […]

Read More… from 5/4/2006


“In May [3] 2006, a Virginia jury sentenced [alleged terrorist Zacarias] Moussaoui to life in prison. …A life sentence frustrated Moussaoui’s wish to become a martyr.”  – John Yoo, War By Other Means, Page 210 […]

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“On April 23 [2006], he [President Bush] paid a courtesy call on Gerald Ford at his home in Rancho Mirage, California, and the ninety-two-year-old former president took the opportunity to lecture him about what was going wrong in Iraq. Ford said he had supported the invasion but felt Bush had done a poor job explaining […]

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On September 30, 2005, the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten ran cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed that sparked outrage in the Muslim world. “By 23 April 2006 bin Laden had formulated his response to the cartoons crisis in the form of a fatwa reminiscent of that issued by Ayatollah Khomeini against the British writer Salman Rushdie in […]

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