“On September 6, 2006, President George W. Bush admitted the existence of a secret CIA program to abduct, detain, and interrogate people outside of America as part of his war on terror. In a carefully worded statement, intended to portray himself as a strong leader, Bush referred to the CIA interrogation techniques as tough, lawful, […]
“In a September [6] 2006 interview with CBS News correspondent Katie Couric, President Bush himself confessed that ‘one of the hardest parts of my job is to connect Iraq to the war on terror.’ ” – Jeffrey Record, Wanting War, Page 65 […]
“In a speech in the East Room of the White House on the afternoon of September 6 [2006], the president [Bush] announced the transfer of fourteen ‘high-profile terror suspects’ held secretly by the CIA–including Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the man accused of masterminding the September 11 attacks–to Guantanamo Bay. He also urged Congress to authorize new […]
On September 6, 2006, President Bush “lifted the veil of secrecy on the CIA’s secret detention and interrogation of ‘the key architects of the September the 11th attacks [who are] dangerous men with unparalleled knowledge about terrorist networks and their plans for new attacks.’ He also revealed that the ‘tough’ set of ‘alternative’ interrogation procedures […]
On September 6, 2006, President “Bush admitted for the first time that America had been holding secret prisoners for years, without charges and outside the reach of authorities, and subjecting them to ‘an alternative set of procedures.’ He announced that he had emptied the black sites and transferred these suspects to Guantanamo Bay. Bush defended […]
Regarding the use of torture for obtaining information from suspected terrorists, in a White House announcement on September 6, 2006, President Bush “said such [enhanced interrogation] tactics had led to the capture of top al-Qaeda operatives and had thwarted a number of planned attacks, including plots to strike U.S. Marines in Djibouti, fly planes into […]
Former CIA Director George Tenet wrote: “The most aggressive interrogation techniques conducted by CIA personnel were applied to only a handful of the worst terrorists on the planet, including people who had planned the 9/11 attacks. …The interrogation of these few individuals was conducted in a precisely monitored, measured way intended to try to prevent […]
“The Deputy Defense Secretary [Gordon England] and professional military lawyers prevailed again on September 5, 2006, when he issued a Department of Defense [DOD] Directive setting forth new DOD policy applicable ‘during all armed conflicts, however such conflicts are characterized, and in all other military operations.’ The new DOD Directive, applicable to military personnel and […]
"In September [5] 2006, Pakistan had signed a treaty ceding full control of the FATA's [Federally Administered Tribal Areas] North Waziristan region to Taliban-linked tribal chiefs, creating a kind of Wild West for al Qaeda and the Taliban insurgents attacking the U.S. forces in Afghanistan." – Bob Woodward, Obama’s Wars, 3 […]
According to information in a New York Times article on September 5, 2006: “Across Afghanistan, roadside bomb attacks are up by 30 percent and suicide bombings have doubled. The opium harvest this year [2006] reached the highest level ever recorded–an increase of 50 percent from last year, according to the UN’s office on Drugs and […]