When discussing lapses in the FBI’s capabilities in an interview with author Peter Lance on September 21, 2006, “Retired special agent James Whalen, a veteran of the NYO [New York Office], calls the Bureau’s failure to get the Virtual Case File system online five years after 9/11 ‘frightening.’ ‘Look at the number of times [WTC […]
On September 18, 2006, former Secretary of State Colin Powell said: ” ‘If you just look at how we are perceived in the world and the kind of criticism we have taken over Guantánamo, Abu Ghraib and renditions, whether we believe it or not, people are now starting to question whether we are following our […]
“On September 18, 2006, the inspector general [IG] for the Department of Defense told the Able Danger story [of mined data that contained information about 9/11 hijackers more than a year and a half before the attacks, which was eventually ordered destroyed] another way. In a heavily redacted ninety-page report, the IG rejected claims by […]
President George W. Bush’s thoughts on the Supreme Court ruling that the U.S. must adhere to Article 3 of the Geneva Convention: “This debate is occurring because of the Supreme Court’s ruling that said that we must conduct ourselves under the Common Article III of the Geneva Convention. And that Common Article III says that there […]
Then-Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld wrote: “In September 2006, a fledgling movement among Iraqi tribal sheiks around Ramadi was starting to take shape, which became known as ‘the Awakening.’ By October 2005, we were briefing the President [Bush] on the Anbar tribal leaders leading the resistance. And by the end of 2006, this alliance, also […]
From the September/October 2006 issue of Foreign Affairs: “In addition to massive eavesdropping and detention programs, every year some 30,000 ‘national security letters’ are issued without judicial review, forcing businesses and other institutions to disclose confidential information about their customers without telling anyone they have done so. That process has generated thousands of leads that, […]
Former Ambassador Joe Wilson discussed the Niger/Iraq uranium deals in an interview with author Craig Unger in September 2006. “…Wilson personally knew Wissam al-Zahawie, the Iraqi ambassador to the Vatican, whose visit to Niger had raised suspicions. ‘Wissam al-Zahawie was a world-class opera singer, and he went to the Vatican as his last post so […]
In an interview with author Craig Unger in September 2006, CIA analyst Ray McGovern expressed his doubts on reports that documented the sale of 500 tons of yellowcake uranium from Niger to Iraq. ” ‘The reports made no sense on the face of it… Most of us knew the Iraqis already had yellowcake. It is […]
At a September 15, 2006 press conference, "President Bush expressed puzzlement over what the Supreme Court meant when it ruled that the United States Government must abide by the Geneva Conventions, laws that America itself had drafted and led the world in adopting sixty years before. Mocking the language of the Conventions, he asked, 'What […]
“A Zogby poll in September 2006 found 46 percent of Americans still believed Saddam was connected to the [9/11] attacks, and among Republican voters the figure jumped to 65 percent.” [The 15th of the month used for date sorting purposes only.] – Bruce Riedel, The Search for Al Qaeda, Page 2 […]