“…on the afternoon of November 8, 2006, President Bush removed Donald Rumsfeld from his position as Secretary of Defense. ‘The timing is right for new leadership at the Pentagon,’ the President said in making the announcement. Donald Rumsfeld had been in his position for five years and ten months. He was George W. Bush’s longest-serving […]
“One day after the [November 7, 2006] election came an announcement that stunned Washington: [Secretary of Defense] Donald Rumsfeld was resigning. The news broke just before lunch on November 8. …It was an abrupt reversal for [President] Bush. Shortly before the election, the president said that he expected Rumsfeld to remain in his job until […]
“On November 8 [2006], the day after the [midterm] election, President Bush announced the resignation of [Secretary of Defense] Donald Rumsfeld.” – Craig Unger, The Fall of the House of Bush, Page 341 […]
On November 8, 2006, “the president [Bush] finally dismissed [Secretary of Defense Donald] Rumsfeld. Only days before, Bush had said he would keep the defense secretary for the rest of the term, but now the president said the two had agreed ‘after a series of thoughtful conversations’ that it was time for Rumsfeld to go. […]
“…on Election Day, November 7, 2006, the American people swept the Democratic Party to power in the U.S. Congress. Democrats captured majorities in both the House of Representatives (233 to 202) and the Senate (51 to 49).” – Ricardo S. Sanchez with Donald T. Phillips, Wiser in Battle, Page 450 […]
In the midterm elections of November 7, 2006, “For the first time in American history, not a single Republican won any House, Senate, or gubernatorial seat previously held by a Democrat. In the end, the Democrats won the House of Representatives by 233 to 202 seats, and the Senate 51 to 49.” – Craig Unger, […]
In midterm elections on November 7, 2006, “American voters swept the Democrats back into power in the House and Senate in an overwhelming defeat for the [Bush] administration.” – Elisabeth Bumiller, Condoleezza Rice: An American Life, Page 301 […]
On November 6, 2006, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld wrote a memo “laying out options for Iraq. …He agreed that the war effort was in trouble. ‘In my view,’ he wrote, ‘it is time for a major adjustment. Clearly, what U.S. forces are currently doing in Iraq is not working well enough or fast enough.’ […]
On November 6, 2006, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld sent a classified memo to President Bush. “In total contradiction to years of protestations by the defense secretary that Iraq policy was yielding satisfactory progress, the memo called for a ‘major adjustment’ because ‘what U.S. forces are currently doing in Iraq is not working well enough […]
“On November 5, 2006, he [Saddam] was sentenced to death by hanging.” – Andrew Langley, Bush, Blair, and Iraq: Days of Decision, Page 38 […]