In “Conclusion 3” of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence’s report “on the use by the Intelligence Community of information provided by the Iraqi National Congress” of September 8, 2006: “Despite two April 2002 CIA assessments, the May 2002 DIA fabrication notice, and the July 2002 National Intelligence Council assessment warning that Source Two [an Iraqi defector] may have been coached by the INC and fabricated information to his debriefers, the Source Two reporting was cited specifically in three subsequent CIA intelligence assessments issued from July 2002 to November 2002 and Intelligence Community’s October 2002 National Intelligence Estimate, as corroborating other source reporting about Iraq’s mobile biological weapons program. Source Two also was one of Secretary Powell’s February 2003 speech before the United Nations Security Council that discussed mobile biological weapons units. This use of the Source Two information constituted a serious error.”
– Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, “Report of the Select Committee on Intelligence on the use by the Intelligence Community of information provided by the Iraqi National Congress together with additional and minority reviews,” Sept. 8, 2006, Page 116