
At the John Cornyn for Senate Reception, President George W. Bush had this to say: “And so now it’s up to the United Nations, and it’s up to Saddam Hussein to determine whether or not there will be peace, to determine whether or not the world’s worst leader — and remember, this is a guy who continues to torture his people if they dissent. This is a man who’s gassed his own people. This is a man who attacked two countries in the neighborhood. This is a man who used gas on a neighbor. This is a man who continually lies. This is a man who does not know the truth. This is a man who is a threat to peace. It’s up to the United Nations, and it’s up to him to decide their fate. If the United Nations won’t act, if he doesn’t disarm, the United States will lead a coalition to make sure he does.”

 – Transcript, “Remarks by the President at John Cornyn for Senate Reception,” George W. Bush – White House Archives online, Accessed on 7/13/2016