
“On September 14 [2003], he [Vice President Dick Cheney] appeared on Meet the Press and host Tim Russert grilled him on the [Bush] administration’s prewar arguments. Cheney once again talked about links between Saddam’s regime and bin Laden, claiming that Iraq’s support for al-Qaeda was ‘clearly official policy.’ He once more cited the Czech report about [lead 9/11 hijacker] Mohamed Atta [meeting an Iraqi agent] in Prague as though it were still credible. He ignored the dispute over mobile bioweapons labs and insisted without equivocation that the U.S. government had found ‘two of them’–even though [chief CIA weapons inspector] David Kay had told him that was not true. Asked about Joe Wilson, Cheney gave no hint that he had spent June and July [2003] gathering information about the former ambassador to discredit Wilson’s story [about traveling to Niger to investigate claims of uranium sales to Iraq]. ‘I don’t know Joe Wilson. I’ve never met Joe Wilson,’ he told Russert. ‘I have no idea who hired him.’ ”

 – Michael Isikoff and David Corn, Hubris, Pages 313-314