created an interactive chart titled “September 11: Counting the costs to America” online: “Military: $1.73 trillion
By far the largest share of America’s post-9/11 spending has been military-related.
More than half of this category, of course, is the cost of America’s ongoing wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. It is impossible to calculate the human cost of these wars, so the figures presented here focus solely on the Defense Department’s expenditures.
This category also includes large increases to the Pentagon’s baseline budget; State Department and aid spending in the two theatres of war; and the cost of providing health care for injured soldiers.”
– Gregg Carlstrom, “Interactive: How much did 9/11 cost the US? The attacks, which cost perhaps $400,000 to execute, will cost the United States more than $5 trillion.,”, Sept. 1, 2011