In August 2009, “the CIA released two secret documents that assessed the information derived from its ‘high value detainees,’ which showed that while al-Qaeda leaders like [9/11 mastermind] KSM [Khalid Sheikh Mohammed] had indeed provided information under duress to their American interrogators, the content of that information was less than earth-shattering. Once of the CIA reports stated that ‘reporting from KSM has greatly advanced our understanding of al-Qa’ida’s anthrax program,’ in particular about the role of a Malaysian scientist named Yazid Sufaat, who was recruited by al-Qaeda to research biological weapons. But what the CIA report did not say is that Sufaat was never able to buy or produce the right strain of anthrax suitable for a weapon. And so while KSM may have helped the CIA to understand something of al-Qaeda’s anthrax program, either he had little understanding of the science of biological weapons or the Agency officials who wrote the report were also similarly handicapped.” [The 15th of the month used for date sorting purposes only.]
– Peter Bergen, The Longest War, Page 116