According to a highly redacted CIA intelligence report from August 1, 1997, there was a “plan to establish an Iraqi element in Bin Ladin’s Islamic Army [al Qaeda], which would be anti-(Saddam) Husayn. [Redacted] Sudanese National Islamic Front (NIF), however, learned of this and requested that Bin Ladin refrain from establishing such a group, because the NIF supported Saddam. The NIF was concerned that Saddam would learn about the Islamic Army Iraqi Islamists and that this would damage NIF-Iraqi relations. Bin Ladin agreed [redacted] Bin Ladin provided some assistance to the Kurds.”
– CIA, “[Title Excised] Plan to establish an Iraqi Element in Bin Ladin’s Islamic Army,” (CIA Intelligence Report), The Central Intelligence Agency’s 9/11 File:, The National Security Archive, Aug. 1, 1997