
The Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSIC) Report on the U.S. Intelligence Community’s Prewar Intelligence Assessments on Iraq, dated July 7, 2004, “noted that the Iraqi Intelligence Service (IIS) ‘focused its terrorist activities on western interests, particularly against the U.S. and Israel.’ According to the SSIC report: ‘The CIA summarized nearly 50 intelligence reports as examples, using language directly from the intelligence reports. Ten intelligence reports, [redacted] from multiple sources, indicated IIS *casing* operations against Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty in Prague began in 1998 and continued into early 2003. The CIA assessed, based on the Prague casings and a variety of other reporting, that throughout 2002, the IIS was becoming increasingly aggressive in planning attacks against U.S. interests. The CIA provided eight reports to support this assessment.’ ”

 – Stephen F. Hayes, Cheney, Pages 440-441