
In an article for the July/August 2008 issue of Foreign Affairs, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice wrote: following 9/11, ” ‘the United States was swept into a fundamentally different world.’ The Bush administration decided that it was necessary to change ‘how we view the relationship between the dynamics within states and the distribution of power among them. As globalization strengthens some states, it exposes and exacerbates the failings of many others–those too weak or poorly governed to address challenges within their borders and prevent them from spilling out and destabilizing the international order.’ This meant ‘that democratic state building is now an urgent component of our national interest. And in the broader Middle East, we recognize that freedom and democracy are the only ideas that can, over time, lead to just and lasting stability.’ “ [The 15th of the month used for date sorting purposes only.]

 – Foreign Affairs, The U.S. vs. al Qaeda, Page 270