
During a radio interview in Ireland, the President stated: “I don’t like death, either. I mean, you keep emphasizing the death and I don’t blame you — but all that goes to show is the nature of the enemy. These people are willing to kill innocent people. They’re willing to slaughter innocent people to stop the advance of freedom. And so the free world has to make a choice: Do we cower in the face of terror, or do we lead in the face of terror?And I’m going to lead in the face of terror. We will not let these terrorists dash the hopes and ambitions of the people of Iraq. There’s some kind of attitude that says, oh, gosh, the terrorists attacked, let’s let the Iraqis suffer more. We’re not going to let them suffer more. We’re going to work with them. And I’m most proud of this fellow, Prime Minister Allawi. He’s strong and he’s tough. He says to me, Mr. President, don’t leave our country, help us secure our country so we can be free.”

 – Transcript, “Interview of the President by Radio and Television Ireland,” George W Bush – White House Archive, June 24, 2004, Accessed 8-16-16