“In September 2002, eight months after the detainees began to arrive in [Guantanamo] in Cuba, a top-secret study by the Central Intelligence Agency raised questions about their significance, suggesting that many of the accused terrorists appeared to be low-level recruits who went to Afghanistan to support the Taliban or even innocent men swept up in the chaos of the war, current and former officials who read the assessment said. Nearly two years later [by June 21, 2004], military officials said, the evidence against many of the detainees is still so sparse that investigators have been able to deliver cases for military prosecution against only 15 of the suspects, 6 of whom have already been designated as eligible for trial by President Bush. Investigators are now preparing 35 to 40 other cases for the military tribunals, those officials said.”
– Tim Golden and Don Van Natta Jr., “U.S. Said to Overstate Value of Guantánamo Detainees,” The New York Times, June 21, 2004