
As stated in “The Report of the Iraq Inquiry – Executive Summary:” “757. After visiting Iraq in early May, [UK] Air Chief Marshal Sir Jock Stirrup, Chief of the Defense Staff, advised Dr Reid that there should be no change to the operational approach and that there were ‘compelling reasons’ why the UK should ‘press on’ with handing over security to Iraq, including to permit the UK’s continuing build-up in Afghanistan. ACM [Air Chief Marshal] Stirrup identified the risk that UK withdrawal from Basra would be seen as a ‘strategic failure’ and suggested that ‘astute conditioning of the UK public may be necessary’ to avoid that.”[The 5th of the month for date sorting purpose only]

 – Commissioned by the Prime Minister The Right Honourable Gordon Brown MP, “The Report of the Iraq Inquiry: Executive Summary,” IraqInquiry.org.uk, May 5, 2006