
President George W. Bush, while encouraging energy conservation and reform: “And I said to the folks there, I said, I would much rather have our economy powered by crops grown in Iowa than barrels of oil coming out of Iraq. (Applause.) It’s in our nation’s interest that we diversify. It’s in our nation’s interest that we become less dependent upon nations, some of which really don’t care for what we believe in. And I believe we can do so. … People have got to understand that it’s possible that we could find, and likely find, 600,000 barrels of oil a day out of ANWR. That’s what we import from Saudi — I mean, from Iraq. It makes sense, folks, for us to have an environmentally sensitive exploration plan in America, in order to diversify supply, not only for national security reasons, but for international reasons, as well.”

 – Transcript, “Remarks by the President at Safe Harbor Water Power Corporation,” George W. Bush -White House Archives online, Accessed on 6/21/2016