
CIA Director George Tenet provided a written statement for the 9/11 Commission on March 24, 2004. He wrote: “The Terrorist Threat Integration Center, established May 1, 2003, exemplifies a new way that the Federal Government is doing business to advance our analytic capabilities in the fight against terrorism. For the first time we have unfettered access to intelligence databases and other terrorist threat-related information spanning the intelligence, law enforcement, homeland security, diplomatic, and military communities. The Center has connectivity with 14 separate US Government networks, enabling information sharing as never before. This unprecedented access to information is enabling us to provide a comprehensive, all-source-based picture of terrorist threats to US interests at home and abroad.”

 – CIA, “Statement for the Record of the Director of Central Intelligence Before the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States,” (Office of Public Affairs, CIA), The Central Intelligence Agency’s 9/11 File:, The National Security Archive, March 24, 2004