
National Security Presidential Directive 36 [signed by President Bush on May 11, 2004] superseded the prewar order giving total control over Iraq to the Pentagon. It specified that upon termination of the CPA [Coalition Provisional Authority], no later than June 30 [2004], ‘the United States will be represented in Iraq by a Chief of Mission, who on my behalf and under the guidance of the Secretary of State [Colin Powell], shall be responsible for the direction, coordination and supervision of all United States Government employees, policies and activities in country, except for those under the command of an area military commander.’ While the secretary of defense [Donald Rumsfeld] and the CENTCOM [Central Command] commander [John Abizaid] would retain authority over security and military operations, it directed that ‘the Secretary of State shall be responsible for the continuous supervision and general direction of all assistance for Iraq.’ ”

 – Karen DeYoung, Soldier: The Life of Colin Powell, Pages 506-507