
“On 5 April [2004], Dan Senor, the CPA’s [Coalition Provisional Authority’s] spokesman, announced that an Iraqi judge had issued an arrest warrant for the ‘Shi’ite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr’ in connection with the 2003 murder of ‘another cleric’ at a mosque in Najaf. Senor, and later [Deputy Director of Coalition Operations for Combined Joint Task Force-Seven] Brigadier [Mark] Kimmitt, tried to portray the arrest warrant as a purely Iraqi judicial affair. …Kimmitt said, ‘The cleric can surrender at any Iraqi police station or wait to have the warrant served. …Whatever al-Sadr decides, he will be treated with dignity and respect…the same way every other alleged criminal in the Iraqi justice system is treated.’ ”

 – Ali A. Allawi, The Occupation of Iraq, Pages 270-271