President George W. Bush: “This week, I also directed Homeland Security Advisor Fran Townsend to oversee the interagency review of the commission’s findings and ensure that concrete action is taken. The commission’s report delivers a sharp critique of the way intelligence has been collected and analyzed against some of the most difficult intelligence targets, like Iraq. To win the war on terror, we will correct what needs to be fixed, and build on what the commission calls, solid intelligence successes. These include the uncovering of Libya’s nuclear and missile programs, which led Libya’s leader to renounce weapons of mass destruction. In Pakistan, our intelligence helped expose and shut down the world’s most dangerous nuclear proliferation network. We need to learn from the successes we’ve had, and apply the lessons elsewhere.”
– Transcript, “President’s Radio Address,” George W. Bush – White House Archives online, Accessed on 9/1/2016