
“By 2007, [former NSA (National Security Agency) Director Michael] Hayden, now the director of the CIA… finally admitted that he, like the rest of the U.S. intelligence community, had been wrong about the nature and extent of Iraq’s WMD program, but with a new twist. Hayden told an interviewer from National Public Radio [on April 15, 2007], ‘All of the SIGINT [signals intelligence] I had, when I looked at the key judgments of the [October 1, 2002] National Intelligence Estimate, my SIGINT ranged from ambiguous to confirmatory. And therefore, I was–you know, and ambiguous in our business, I told you, is kind of a state of nature. And so, I was quite comfortable to say, yes, I agree with the NIE. I was comfortable. I was wrong. It turned out not to be true.’ ”

 – Matthew M. Aid, The Secret Sentry, Page 240