
“Only in the footnotes of the [9/11] commission’s final report was it made clear that [senior counsel to the 9/11 Commission Dietrich] Snell’s entire authority for moving the origin of the 9/11 plot two years forward was the word of [9/11 mastermind] Khalid Shaikh Mohammed [KSM] himself, who had been tortured after his capture on March 1, 2003. KSM’s ‘testimony,’ if it can be called that, was elicited via an extreme interrogation technique called ‘waterboarding.’ ” His testimony “was considered so unreliable by the CIA that an April 2003 agency report on KSM refers in its title to Winston Churchill’s famous phrase ‘A Bodyguard of Lies.’ Still, there are more than 100 footnoted references to KSM’s tortured ‘testimony’ in the 9/11 Commission’s final report.” [The 15th of the month used for date sorting purposes only.]

 – Peter Lance, Triple Cross, Page 407