“At a prime-time news conference in the East Room on April 13 [2004], [President] Bush stumbled when John Dickerson of Time magazine asked him to name his biggest mistake since September 11. …’I wish you would have given me this written question ahead of time so I could plan for it,’ Bush said, pausing to think. ‘Uh, John, I’m sure historians will look back and say, gosh, he could have done it better this way, or that way.’ …’You know,’ Bush continued, ‘I just, I’m sure something will pop up in my head here in the midst of this press conference, with all the pressure of trying to come up with an answer, but it hadn’t yet.’ He went on to reaffirm his decision to invade Iraq despite the missing weapons. ‘You just put me under the spot here,’ he told Dickerson, ‘and maybe I’m not as quick on my feet as I should be in coming up with one.’ ”
– Peter Baker, Days of Fire, Pages 322-323