
In his April 10, 2008, discussion on Iraq at Cross Hall, President Bush stated: “Iraq is the convergence point for two of the greatest threats to America in this new century — al Qaeda and Iran. If we fail there, al Qaeda would claim a propaganda victory of colossal proportions, and they could gain safe havens in Iraq from which to attack the United States, our friends and our allies. Iran would work to fill the vacuum in Iraq, and our failure would embolden its radical leaders and fuel their ambitions to dominate the region. The Taliban in Afghanistan and al Qaeda in Pakistan would grow in confidence and boldness. And violent extremists around the world would draw the same dangerous lesson that they did from our retreats in Somalia and Vietnam. This would diminish our nation’s standing in the world, and lead to massive humanitarian casualties, and increase the threat of another terrorist attack on our homeland.”

 – George W. Bush, “President Bush Discusses Iraq, Cross Hall”, George W. Bush – White House Archives online, April 10, 2008