
From The Washington Post on April 10, 2003: “Throughout the Arab world also, many were happy to see the end of Saddam Hussein but at the same time were distrustful of the American occupation [of Iraq]. ‘Please, America must hear our voices,’ pleaded Diaa Rashwan, a political scientist at Cairo’s Ahram Center for Political and Strategic Studies. ‘The American media and people are in a state of euphoria right now, but they are not seeing it the way we are seeing it at all. The Arab street is very frustrated, and to America, I repeat, I repeat, I repeat, the real war hasn’t started yet. We have to be careful with such euphoria. It will only increase the feelings of anger in the Arab world. No Arabs want to welcome an occupying power.’ The managing editor of Cairo’s Al-Ahram Weekly, Hani Shukrallah, offered a similar warning. ‘They may want Saddam out. But in a few weeks they will be doing the same thing to a picture of [President] George Bush.’ ”

 – James Bamford, A Pretext for War, Page 393