
“Article 15-6 Investigation of the 900th Military Police Brigade” also known as the Taguba Report by MG Antonio M. Taguba in March of 2004, Deputy Commanding General Support, Coalition Forces Land Component Command, was an inquiry into “all facts and circumstances surrounding recent allegations of detainee abuse at Abu Ghraib Prison” as requested by Lieutenant General Ricardo S. Sanchez on Jan. 19, 2004 and assigned to Taguba by Lieutenant General David D. McKiernan on Jan. 31, 2004. In the Executive Summary of the certified copy of May 27, 2004, he states: “…lack of command guidance and structure regarding detainee internment operations … I find these were contributing factors leading to the criminal actions of Soldiers at Abu Ghraib Prison.” In the report he notes the “Following Specific Findings of Fact”: “5. That between October and December 2003 … numerous incidents of sadistic, blatant, and wanton criminal abuses were inflicted on several detainees.”

 – Antonio M. Taguba, “Article 15-6 Investigation of the 900th Military Police Brigade,” CFR.org, March 9, 2004, DOD.gov, May 27, 2004