On March 2, 2005, “The Vice Admiral Albert T. Church Report on Detainee Interrogation and Incarceration is released. The panel examined 187 investigations of allegations of detainee abuse that had been completed as of September 30, 2004. Of those, 117 cases were unsubstantiated or did not constitute abuse, and of the 70 remaining completed cases of substantiated abuse, six were deaths, 26 were considered serious, and 38 were called minor abuse cases. Church declines to single out any specific persons to be held accountable, and human rights organizations call the report a ‘whitewash.’ Within a week of the Church report, officials from the Army and Navy admit that 26, not 6, detainee deaths merited charges of homicide.”
– M. Cherif Bassiouni, The Institutionalization of Torture by the Bush Administration, Pages xliv-xlv