
Following his meetings with Arab leaders in the Middle East, Vice President Dick Cheney “Had an early morning breakfast with the president [Bush] on March 21 [2002]. At about 8:15 am, they took questions from reporters in the Oval Office. One asked about what the Arab leaders had said about supporting strong action against Iraq. Cheney stuck to the cover story. ‘I went there to consult with them, seek their advice and counsel, to be able to report back to the president.’ Bush stepped in. ‘I think one other point the vice president made, which is a good point, is that this is an administration that when we say we’re going to do something we mean it; that we are resolved to fight the war on terror…It is very important for these leaders to understand the nature of this administration so there’s no doubt in their mind that when we speak, we mean what we say, that we’re not posturing.’ “

 – Bob Woodward, Plan of Attack, Page 113