
” ‘We now know,’ said Senator [Bill] Nelson [D-FL] in January [28] 2004, ‘after the fact and on the basis of [former Iraq Survey Group leader] Dr. [David] Kay’s testimony today in the Senate Armed Services Committee, that the information [regarding WMDs in Iraq] was false; and not only that there were not weapons of mass destruction–chemical and biological–but there was no fleet of UAV’s, unmanned aerial vehicles, nor was there any capability of putting UAV’s on ships and transporting them to the Atlantic coast and launching them at U.S. cities on the eastern seaboard. …The degree of specificity I was given a year and a half ago, prior to my vote [in favor of war in Iraq] was not only inaccurate; it was patently false.’ ”

 – James Bamford, A Pretext for War, Page 331