
“In October 2002, Gitmo’s [Guantanamo’s] commander [Major General Michael Dunlavey] sent a request forward, which [Secretary of Defense Donald] Rumsfeld approved on December 2 [2002], to use coercive interrogation methods on [alleged 20th hijacker Mohamed al] Kahtani. Rumsfeld approved stress positions, such as standing for up to four hours, isolation for up to thirty days, deprivation of light and sound in his cell, removal of clothing, changing rations, shaving of facial hair, and use of phobias to induce stress. …After unspecified concerns were raised at Guantanamo Bay about the use of these methods, Jim Haynes, DOD [Department of Defense] general counsel, went to Rumsfeld to ask him to suspend his approval until a broader review could be done. Rumsfeld did so on January 15, 2003.”

 – John Yoo, War By Other Means, Page 191