
“The battle for Fallujah [Iraq] started on 7 November, 2004, when MNF [Multi-National Forces] and Iraqi government support forces sealed off the town as well as nearby Ramadi city, the capital of Anbar province.” By November 9, “the city had fallen into American hands, although fighting continued until the middle of the month. …The damage to Fallujah was extensive. …Casualties on the US side were relatively heavy. Ninety-two Americans were killed, as were eight Iraqi security forces. Insurgent fighters killed, however, numbered over 1,200, and a further 1,000 were taken prisoner. The MNF was accused of using banned chemical weapons such as white phosphorus and incendiary bombs, a charge denied by the State Department but subsequently indirectly confirmed by the Department of Defense.”

 – Ali A. Allawi, The Occupation of Iraq, Page 339