
The conclusion of the Davids Commission (the Dutch enquiry into the war in Iraq) said, in its January 12, 2010, report: “At an early juncture, the Netherlands aligned itself with the US-British position, which was ultimately to lead to the invasion of Iraq. However, the Netherlands took the view that the strategy of regime change advocated by the US had no basis in international law. Dutch policy therefore continued to be directed towards neutralization of the Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) that Iraq was supposed to possess, and later towards securing compliance with the [UN] Security Council resolutions. It was inevitable, however, that the US-British action would result in regime change. The Dutch government lent its political support to a war whose purpose was not consistent with Dutch government policy. It may therefore be said that the Dutch stance was to some extent disingenuous.”

 – Willibrord Davids (chairperson), et. al., The Permanent Mission of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to the United Nations: “Conclusions of the Committee of Inquiry on Iraq,” Jan. 12, 2010