In the Netherlands, the Davids Commission concluded that the war in Iraq, which was supported by the Dutch government, was illegal. As reported on January 12, 2010, in the Conclusions of the Committee of Inquiry on Iraq: “The Committee’s assessment is that, in its portrayal of Iraq’s WMD programme, the [Dutch] government was to a considerable extent led by public and other information from the US and the UK. In its discussions with the parliamentary Intelligence and Security Services Committee, the government did not allude to the nuances of the reports made by the MIVD [Military Intelligence and Security Service] and the AIVD [General Intelligence and Security Service]. Contrary to the facts reported by the Committee of Inquiry, the Minister of Defence asserted in parliament that the AIVD and MIVD reports were not inconsistent with the public statements made by ministers.”
– Willibrord Davids (chairperson), et. al., The Permanent Mission of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to the United Nations: “Conclusions of the Committee of Inquiry on Iraq,” Jan. 12, 2010