
From the Chilcot inquiry, the British public inquiry into their involvement in the war in Iraq: “For the first time, the inquiry yesterday [January 19, 2011] released evidence from MI6 [UK’s foreign intelligence service] officers spelling out their warnings, as early as November 2001 as the Bush administration was already preparing for war, of the dangers of invading Iraq. ‘What can be done about Iraq? If the US heads for direct action, have we ideas which could divert them to an alternative course?’ a senior, unidentified, MI6 officer wrote in a memo to Sir David Manning, [Prime Minister Tony] Blair’s foreign policy adviser.” [The 15th of the month used for date sorting purposes only.]

 – Richard Norton-Taylor, “Tony Blair Had Way Out of Iraq Invasion, Chilcot Inquiry Told,” The Guardian, Jan. 20, 2011