
“After years of denials, the CIA has formally acknowledged the existence of two classified documents governing aggressive interrogation and detention policies for terrorism suspects, according to the American Civil Liberties Union [ACLU]. But CIA lawyers say the documents–memos from President Bush and the Justice Department–are still so sensitive that no portion can be released to the public.  …The ACLU describes the first as a ‘directive’ signed by Bush governing CIA interrogation methods or allowing the agency to set up detention facilities outside the United States. …The second document is an August 2002 legal memo from the Justice Department’s Office of Legal Counsel to the CIA general counsel. The ACLU describes it as ‘specifying interrogation methods that the CIA may use against top al-Qaeda members.’ (This document is separate from another widely publicized Justice memo, also issued in August 2002, that narrowed the definition of torture. The Justice Department has since rescinded the latter.)”

 – Dan Eggen, “CIA Acknowledges 2 Interrogation Memos,” The Washington Post, Nov. 14, 2006