“A suburban Baltimore high school graduate turned Al Qaeda courier, speaking to a military jury for the first time, gave a detailed account this week [around October 28, 2021] of the brutal forced feedings, crude waterboarding and other physical and sexual abuse he endured during his 2003 to 2006 detention in the C.I.A.’s overseas prison network….So, like other victims of torture, he said he manufactured tales that his captors wanted to hear: ‘I lied just to make the abuse stop.’ Mr. Khan offered the dark accounting Thursday [October 28, 2021] evening to a jury of eight U.S. military officers who on Friday deliberated for less than three hours and sentenced him to 26 years in prison, starting from his guilty plea in February 2012.”
– Carol Rosenberg, “For First Time in Public, a Detainee Describes Torture at C.I.A. Black Sites,” NYTimes.com, Oct. 30, 2021